Can you name all the pets in Harry Potter?

Hedwig Harry Potter Pets

At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you’re allowed a cat, an owl, or a toad. Or if you’re a rebel like Ron Weasley, you might bring a rat. But do you think you can name all pets in the Harry Potter series? Test your knowledge of these interesting creatures below:

What is the name of Harry Potter’s owl? Answer: Hedwig

  • Harry Potter owns a snowy owl which Hagrid bought him as a birthday present his first time in Diagon Alley. Harry chose the name “Hedwig” for his furry friend from his school text book, A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot.

What is the name of Ron Weasley’s rat? Answer: Scabbers

  • You may now know Ron’s rat by another name, but before we knew him as Wormtail, he was Ron’s pet Scabbers, a hand-me-down from his brother Percy.

What is the name of Nevill Longbottom’s toad? Answer: Trevor

  • Poor Neville could never keep track of his beloved toad, Trevor. But how could we ever forget with the amount of times Neville went looking for him?

What is the name of Hermione Granger’s cat? Answer: Crookshanks

  • Crookshanks was off to the rough start the first time Hermione laid eyes on her orange fluffy cat in the Magical Menagerie in Diagon Alley. But he quickly became a loyal ally by helping clear Sirius’ name and revealing Scabbers’ true identity.

What is the name of Dumbledore’s phoenix? Answer: Fawkes

  • Whether Fawkes is a true “pet” of Dumbledore’s remains to be seen. But we couldn’t leave this courageous, colorful bird out of the mix. Lest us forget, phoenix’s have healing powers and can carry great loads.

What is the name of Hagrid’s dog? Answer: Fang

  • He may be a coward, but unlovable he is not. We find Hagrid’s pet, Fang, beside his owner almost at all times.

What is the name of Percy Weasley’s owl? Answer: Hermes

  • When Percy was made prefect, he was gifted a new owl, Hermes. A good thing too, or else his family might have figured out he had a secret girlfriend, Penelope Clearwater, a lot sooner. Best to send your personal mail through your own owl, eh?

What is the name of Hagrid’s, and then later, Sirius Black’s hippogriff? Answer: Buckbeak

  • Another great creature that we’re not sure can be referred to as a “pet” but can’t be left out. We first see Buckbeak at Hagrid’s first Care for Magical Creatures class. Unfortunately, Buckbeak’s time at school was cut short as Draco Malfoy teased poor Buckpeak and caused him to strike. Be not alarmed though! Our young heroes, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger helped save this charming creature and set him off into hiding with Harry’s godfather, Sirius Black.

What is the name of Ginny Weasley’s pygmy puff? Answer: Arnold

  • Perhaps one of the cutest pets of them all. Ginny Weasley picked up her poofy, purple pet at, none other than her brothers’ shop, Weasley’s Wizard Weezes.

What is the name of the Weasley’s house owl? Answer: Errol

  • You’ll probably find the Weasley house owl passed out on a chair somewhere after a long journey delivering the post. This owl has definitely left his glory days behind, but that doesn’t mean we care about him any less!

What is the name of Voldemort’s snake? Answer Nagini

  • Voldemort’s pet, Nagini, may very well be more “partner” than “pet,” but we’ll include her in here as well. Probably the scariest of all the pets, and that’s including Hagrid’s pet dragon.

What is the name of Hagrid’s pet dragon? Answer: Norbert

  • Oh Hagrid. The pet he’s always wanted, his pet dragon, Norbert. Norbert came to him when he was having a drink (or a few) at the Hog’s Head in Hogsmeade. Hagrid probably should have looked under the cloak of the man gifting him the dragon’s egg, but luckily the Weasley’s have a dragonologist in the family who was able to smuggle Norbert out of the Hogwarts castle safely.

What is the name of Ron Weasley’s owl? Answer: Pigwedgeon

  • Last but certainly not least, we have Ron’s overly excited baby owl, Pigwedgeon (otherwise known as Pig). Pigwedegeon was gifted to Ron from Sirius Black who felt rather bad about getting rid of Ron’s rat (*cough* Wormtail *cough*).

How’d you do in naming all the pets in the Harry Potter series? Were you stumped on some? Or did you get each one correct? Either way, which Harry Potter pets would you have?

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